A Life of Boxes [Poem]

A life dominated by boxes. Four walls and a ceiling for everything that makes us human.

Our body, spirit, and mind incarcerated inside boxes and put into solitary confinement.

We are isolated throughout the day by letting them dominate every aspect of our lives.

Whether we are residing in a house, an apartment or merely a room.

It’s all a box of our own making.

The little time we spent outside is for the sole reason to get into a different box that brings us to work. A box is being used to play music and another box to navigate us through the traffic.

We are sitting in our cubicle, which is a tiny box inside a bigger box with neither heart nor soul. Staring at a box for eight hours and calling it an inevitable necessity.

The people we are meeting are put into boxes, so we know how to define them.

Once we are leaving both boxes after many breaths and hours have been spent, we are heading back to our comfortable box.

Dinner shared with a person of supposedly some significance. Staring at yet another box and catching up with the lives of others.

A lot of life has been wasted on the lives of others.

Spending the rest of the dying hours of the day by entertaining our minds with a flat-screen 4K box.

Eyes closed in a box of dark grey. Tomorrow they will open to the sight of the same edges; the same cracks; the same cobwebs.

It is not the life, but it is a life, which is still better than no life.

We live our everyday lives inside boxes.

Think outside the box.


That there is a life outside the box.



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